Study Shows That Women With More Kids Might Live Longer. (What?)

by ParentCo. January 11, 2016

If you're a woman who wants to age more slowly, this study says you simply need to have more kids. Easy, right?

Researchers suggest that the number of children born to a woman influences the rate at which her body ages. A study by Simon Fraser University has found that women who have more kids tend to have longer telomeres. "Telomeres" are a protective component of DNA. Telomeres reveal cellular aging. Longer telomeres tend to equal longer life. This is surprising, because it's assumed that childbearing is so stressful that it lead to a shorter lifespan. There may be more to the study then meets the eye, however. Social environment might influence "the relationship between reproductive efforts and the pace of aging."
"The women we followed over the course of the study were from natural fertility populations where mothers who bear numerous children receive more social support from their relatives and friends," explains Nepomnaschy. "Greater support leads to an increase in the amount of metabolic energy that can be allocated to tissue maintenance, thereby slowing down the process of aging."
"Having more children slows down aging process" via



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