Scorpio June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. June 02, 2016

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21): Why you gotta smell so good and look so fine all the time, Scorpio?

Those bright eyes, that air of mystery, the attention to detail. If the zodiac was a bar, you’d slay. Every time. You’re a little bull-headed, yes. A little Captain Caveman meets Tasmanian Devil. But, honestly, it all works.

Your kids love the crap outta you. They’re proud to call you theirs. You could take them to the post office, and they’d love to go with you. So where are you taking them? Pick someplace fun and go be there together. How about a baseball game? All in. Hats, shirts, hot dogs. You’re a team, you and the kids. Enjoy it, you earned this. In fact, you've worked your ass off for this.

And, lemme tell you something: this is it. You did it. This is the sweet spot, pal. Take it all in, because it's fleeting.

Regarding practical matters: a testy opposition between Venus and Saturn will fall across your solar axis of money matters. Venus loves to spend, and Saturn prefers to save, so what are you going to do? Both, do both. Spend a little, save a little.

Everything in moderation, Scorpsie-baby. Everything, all the time.



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