Best Links of the Week

by ParentCo. December 04, 2015

No teacher needs another coffee mug. Here are some great ideas for the educators on your list from The New Times Motherlode. The year is almost over. How many of these 26 things every person should do for themselves at least once a year have you accomplished? Cereal boxes filled with sugar and false claims have fallen out of favor. Turns out the nostalgia of a big bowl of Froot Loops and Saturday morning cartoons aren't enough to keep up sales. 20 non-toy gift ideas for kids. Hallelujah. At some point in childhood, we stop dancing like no one's watching. How do we continue to cultivate creativity in our kids through that shift in self awareness? We never realized there was so much phallic imagery associated with the Holidays. At least that's what one mom found out when she shared her son's Santa drawing on Facebook. These are HILARIOUS. If there's any time of year to dial up the craftiness, it's right now. Here are 25 (totally doable) ornament making ideas. Gift cards can feel like a cop out. But some are more personal than others. (Think more Etsy, less Chili's.) You can never go wrong when you give a good book. Here are The New York Times picks for Notable Children's Books of 2015. Too many parties? Too much work you don't have time for? Here's the ultimate guide to saying no to people you can't say no to. Go forth and decline! Christmas2015-4 copy



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