Share awesome, fun links with your kids on an Internet Field Trip curated for Parent Co. by Today Box. Today Box curates fun and educational facts, videos, photos, and jokes for curious kids, parents, and educators.
Week of May 8, 2015
What do 42 panting Saint Bernards sound like? Take a walk through the forest with them in this short video posted to Today Box to find out!
Explore this labyrinth table by Benjamin Nordsmark. See how figures move through the maze with magnets.
You've never seen a sunset like this before. Watch a sunset on Mars through images taken by the Opportunity Rover and edited by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
See how creative you can get with hundreds of pins and rubberized thread in this music video called "Change is Everything" by Son Lux.
Who says you can't paint with legos? Enjoy this delightful stop motion animation video from the Today Box archives. It's one of our favorites!
View over 1,000 amazing kid-friendly posts on Today Box.
When it comes to preschool and kindergarten readiness, there is no magic formula to ensure a child’s success. Yet these are ways kids can hit the ground running.
When you hear about the relatively new emphasis on STEAM learning, you may wonder how that’s unlike the diversified studies from years past. Here's why it matters.
By our nature, humans must be problem solvers, but, that’s not to say problem solving always comes easily to adults—let alone children. Here's how to grow this skill.