A beautiful story about a dad sharing his lifelong love of live music with his kid 

by ParentCo. May 07, 2015

Over on Medium, Ethan Kaplan wrote a short essay about bringing his 7-year old son to his first concert. It begins with a meditation on what makes attending concerts and live music so special:
If it’s good, it’s transformative. If it’s great, its other worldly and triggers emotions you forget you had. Skin flushing, eyes watering, smile muscles hurting emotions.
Ethan and his son saw the Decemberists. Coincidentally, that's going to be my kid's first "real" concert when we bring her to see them in Vermont this July. Read the post at Music Will Provide the Light on Medium https://medium.com/@ethank/music-will-provide-the-light-52ad29af2322



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