Best Links of the Week

by ParentCo. November 20, 2015

An epic list of Holiday gift ideas for the kiddos. This will come in handy. If you haven't yet seen this beautiful conversation between father and son, stop what you're doing and watch. "They might have guns, but we have flowers." This great essay takes a look at parenting in the age of Facebook. And asks WWMZD? (What Will Mark Zuckerberg Do?) 8 hot chocolate recipes you'll need for the winter. (Or whenever.) A bit of wisdom for the difficult days. Instachaaz's comics are sheer brilliance. All the best Holiday TV specials and where to find them. Need some Thanksgiving books for bedtime this week? Check these out. We're totally digging Aziz Ansari's Master of None, particularly the second episode, Parents. Read the reactions of 11 children of immigrant parents, here. Are you more or less empathetic since having kids? From the Atlantic



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