Take an Internet Field Trip: 5 Links to Share with Your Kids

by ParentCo. February 02, 2015

Share awesome, fun links with your kids on an Internet Field Trip curated for Parent Co. by Today Box. Today Box curates fun and educational daily facts, videos, photos, and jokes for curious kids and the grown-ups who raise them.
 Photo by Brett Wihelm, ESPN
This week 14-year-old Chloe Kim earned a goal medal at the X Games. She holds the title for youngest competitor to win a medal at the X Games. Watch her rip it up on her snowboard on Today Box.  Meet Yuki-taro, Japan’s newest snowbot. This robot eats up snow and poops out snow bricks. You can see Yuki-taro in action in this short video.  All NASA spacecraft go through a series of flight tests. Engineers use these tests to improve designs and flight. NASA released a video showing a series of air flow visuals from different NASA spacecraft over the years.  There's nothing like watching a group of dolphins surfing in the sun. Watch this footage of dolphins captured by a drone in Australia.  Have endless fun with googly eyes in this music video by Caspar Babypants from the Today Box archives. View over 800 amazing kid-friendly posts on Today Box.



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