Free activities from bestselling kids books

by ParentCo. April 25, 2015

Did you know that many of the best kids books have free printables and downloadable activity books? Publishers offer these for teachers and parents to extend popular and educational stories. Here are a few we like. There are many more available.


This charming biography invites readers to step inside the vibrant and spirited world of performer and civil rights advocate, Josephine Baker. Robinson's paintings are as colorful and rich as Josephine Baker's story, offering page after page of captivating and animated illustrations and rhythmic text, which is written in blank verse. More about the book.

Make your own banana bracelet as featured in the book. Or design and color Josephine's exotic pets and more.

Press Here

This now-classic book has been a best seller for almost three years. "Press the yellow dot on the cover of this book, follow the instructions within, and embark upon a magical journey!" It's about the power of imagination. It's also an interactive book perfect for reading aloud. More about the book.

Make a "Press Here" minibook and more with this PDF.

Lately Lily

In this picture book from illustrator Micah Player, Lily is a worldtravelling girl with boundless curiosity. She goes on adventures with her best friend Zeborah, travelling by plane, train, boat, and even by camel. More about the book.

Download a Lately Lily activity PDF here.

Kokeshi series

These cute books introduce kids to the Kokeshis' fabulous world of kimonos, unique hairdos, cheerful friends, and more! More about the books. Download the activity kit here.



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