Get The Latest From Parent Co In Apple's iOS 9 News App

by ParentCo. September 17, 2015

We're stoked that you can now follow our latest posts in Apple's News app.

Apple-News-FeedWe love how our content looks in Apple's new, uh News app. It's clean and crisp, and very easy to read and share. One item we're working on fixing: the random and incorrect tags News often applies to our posts. For example, "Nuclear Meltdown" on a post about back-to-school planning. Still, it's a great reading experience and we think you'll love it. News is free with iOS 9
  • Once you have iOS 9 for your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, look for the News icon
  • Launch the app and add a few topics or big-name publishers to your feed
  • Then click search, and enter "Parent Co"
  • You'll find us under Parenting
  • Click the little checkmark
  • Every time we publish something, it'll automatically be added to your feed
  • You can use the built-in iOS 9 sharing toolbar to share posts



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