Introducing Parent Feed, for the latest parenting news at a glance

by ParentCo. April 29, 2015

mobile phone next to a apple computer

Parent Feed is a new way to keep up with the latest parenting news, topics and trends at a glance. Parent Feed is a simple page of headlines from our favorite parenting and parent-focused websites. It's automatically updated every 20 minutes. We made it ourselves, and we're inviting you to use it too. We'll keep expanding Parent Feed with more sources. Please email us if you'd like to suggest a source! We're also experimenting with adding embedded Twitter streams. Every day we scour the web for news, topics and trends relevant to modern parents. Our go-to tools include Twitter, Feedly, Flipboard, Product Hunt, Reddit, Alltop, Google news alerts, emails from readers, and Slack notifications from the rest of our team. Hopefully Parent Feed will streamline our search - and yours, too. Parent Feed vs Currently Reading Parent Feed updates automatically as the different sites update their content. Currently Reading is our other topical category. Unlike the automatic syndication of Parent Feed, Currently Reading is collaboratively curated by Parent Co. editors. Its goal is to present only the most useful, most relevant new weblinks for modern parents. We curate five new links per weekday to Currently Reading. Options for Keeping Up
  • Sign up for a daily digest of the 10 most popular Parent Feed headlines.
  • Bookmark this page in your browser.
  • Email us with any suggestions for sites to add to this page
Note: A few leading sites aren't included (like because they don't have publicly available feeds. We're working on alternatives for representing them.



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