Issue #4: Winter Lights

by ParentCo. December 17, 2015

It's the darkest time of year outside, but everywhere I look I see glittering Christmas lights, candles, and bright windows in cozy homes. This issue of Parent Co magazine is dedicated to these winter lights.

This week Nina Griffin writes beautifully about how Scandinavians celebrate Santa Lucia, the Festival of Lights, while Maria Eriksen explains the concept of Koselig (turns out, it's much more than a Norwegian word for "cozy"). Anna Palmer wrote a lovely narrative about how her son's memories of holidays past helped her reclaim her own joy of the season. Sara Goldstein rounded up some tips for taking better Christmas photos with your iPhone. She also wrote a hilarious post about "8 Christmas Gifts I’m Glad I Can’t Afford." Librarian Megan Butterfield reviews 3 books of Winter Lights Reading for Younger Kids. Autumn Spencer put together the best playlist of 15 modern holiday songs, along with commentary on every song. Christmas in Spain inspired Teal Doggett to write "The Wacky Things Kids Will Believe if it Means They Get Presents." Brigitta Burguess wrote a wonderful story called "No Christmas Spirit." And I write about how pretending Santa is real won't make your kids hate you (or make them think lying is acceptable) when they discover the truth.



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