Norman Ollestad on raising a third generation surfer

by ParentCo. May 06, 2015

Norman Ollestad, author of the best selling memoir, Crazy for the Storm, writes about being raised a surfer, and igniting the passion in his son.
He was watching me stand in anguished contemplation, just like I’d seen my father do, and now when I looked up at Noah I knew what he was feeling—he wished he wasn’t afraid, that he was as gung-ho as his dad, and the disconnect made the fear even more aggravating, twisting him around into a tailspin. At the same time, I was seeing Noah from my father’s point of view—it’s a golden moment for my son, so we’ll take it; the fear is a minor detail.
As parents, we often dance the line between fueling our kids' love of something and making them detest it completely. The answers of when to push them forward and when to let them accept defeat never come easy. Read the full post at Outside Online



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