Study: How much time are we spending on our phones at the playground?

by ParentCo. May 20, 2015

The University of Washington recently conducted a study of the use of smartphones by caregivers at seven North Seattle playgrounds. They timed the usage frequency and duration, collecting 33 hours of data.
The big takeaway from the study: Even though almost half of caregivers worry about what excessive phone usage does to children, the vast majority of people aren’t reaching for their smartphones. The study found nearly two-thirds of the participants spent less than 5 percent of their time at the park using a phone, including 41 percent who did not use a phone at all.
What do you think? How much time do you spend on your phone while in the company of your children? Read the full article at GeekWire: Texting at the playground: New study shows how much time parents spend buried in smartphones - GeekWire



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