1. Let Children Change
“But even when we’re the ones wrestling with our own parents’ dated vision, we current parents don’t think often enough about whether we’re already boxing our children in.” via Let Children Change – NYTimes.com.
2. All Parents Are Cowards-Words From A Professional Skateboarder
No matter how daring you are, the world never feels as dangerous as it does once you have children. This piece by skateboarder Michael Christie is the most beautiful thing I’ve read about parenting in quite some time. via All Parents Are Cowards – NYTimes.com3. How Children Learn To Read via “The New Yorker”
Why is it easy for some people to learn to read, and difficult for others? It’s a tough question with a long history. We know that it’s not just about raw intelligence, nor is it wholly about repetition and dogged persistence. via How Children Learn To Read – The New Yorker4. Blocks, Play, and Screen Time: How Do They Affect The Child Mind?
“In research we’ve done, the typical preschool child in the United States watches about four and a half hours of television a day and they’re only awake for about 12 hours a day.”
We are certainly not anti-screen time in our house, yet that figure seems astronomical. Where does your family fall? via Q&A: Blocks, Play, Screen Time And The Infant Mind : NPR Ed : NPR5. How we created a generation of unsophisticated, picky eatersTyranny of the chicken finger: How we created a generation of unsophisticated, picky eaters — and why the cycle must stop.
Mornings aren't easy for anyone, really. So get your game face on and tackle them like you mean it with these shortcuts that will make life just a little smoother.