Top 5 reading list for parents 3/20-3/27

by ParentCo. March 27, 2015

There are only so many hours in the day. Here are 5 things you might have missed. This weekend, I shall invest in a set of dry erase markers and re-write the programming at my house, using the exact same method as writer, Jessica Lahey. Assume nothing, and leave no step unaccounted for. Read about the most brilliant parenting strategy we've seen all week here.  With spring cleaning on the horizon, we love any excuse to skip a step. Revisit this fun NPR piece on the most interesting mess in your house.  The only disappointing thing about this six minute animated film of Jane Goodall narrating her amazing life story, is that it's too short. We're all taking the "Habit PersonalityQuiz" written by Gretchen Rubin, author of the new book “Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives.” Way more "rebels" at Parent Co. than you'd think. Find out who you are here. When Steve McCurry, the man responsible for what could arguably be called the most iconic National Geographic cover ever, "Afghan Girl", talks about photo composition, WE LISTEN. Since chances are good you're less than a foot away from a camera right now, this new video featuring insider tips for even the most amateur of photographers is worth a watch.



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