Turning digital games into real education

by ParentCo. June 22, 2015

It is estimated that in America, kids raised today will dedicate an average of 10,000 hours to video games before the age of 21. That sounds like a problem. But what if it were actually a solution? Educators are constantly voicing concerns over how to motivate and engage kids in the learning process. The most effective method seems like it could be simply meeting them where they are.
Researchers continue to find that digital games are ideally suited for academic pursuits. The open-ended exploration and short cycle of play of digital games allow students to engage on their own terms, for any available amount of time. Moreover, nearly all digital games offer the freedom to make mistakes. This key aspect—a non-judgmental learning environment where trial-and-error, rather than grades, are the markers of progress—makes digital games uniquely attractive.



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