Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/09/16

by ParentCo. March 09, 2016

A Psychologist Explains the Surprising Power of the Right-Hand Bias

Given this research, I'm going to up my mom manipulation game and start serving all the vegetables on the right side of the plate.

My Dad Spent Years of My Childhood in Prison. His Incarceration Punished Me Too.

The ripples of having a parent behind bars extend far beyond the years they're unavailable. No one knows that better than Dominique Matti. Vox

50 Captivating Photos Of Girls Going To School Around The World

Did you know, globally, there are 33 MILLION FEWER girls enrolled in primary school than boys? Like today. In modern times. Unacceptable. Huffington Post

A Spanish Artist Transforms an Old Church Into a “Sistine Chapel” of Skateboarding

BRB. Booking a flight to Spain and uh, learning how to skateboard. Slate

Here's How "Metric Parenting" Can Help Relieve Working-Parent Guilt

This is a little type A for me, but as a woman who often considers she may be doing all of the mom things wrong, tracking parenting goals may be something to consider. (Because I'm sure as hell not keeping a food diary.)



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