Aries April 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. April 01, 2016

As the first sign of the zodiac, you’re the astrological baby.

You're mostly charming and endearing. But sometimes you poop your pants and throw a tantrum. It's fine, we all have our issues. Oh hey, looks like the moon is going to be hanging out in your solar 11th house of friendships. Translation: "Everyone come over for sip n chill! Bring melted cheese and pita chips!" New friends might show up too. Let’s hope “new friends” doesn’t mean that one goober kid from your son’s Kindergarten class whose parents are hoping you can babysit all weekend if it’s not “too much trouble.” Which it most definitely is, so be sure to say HELL NO, SHAWTY. Heads up: This is a good month to connect with the boss about advancing your career. In other words, it’s time for the baby to start sleeping through the night so you can stop feeling like a zombie. Uranus and Mercury are having an energetic smash-up derby, making you feel like a prankster. Yuk it up, astro-baby!



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