Children of Color Have Less Access to Advanced Placement Classes

by ParentCo. June 08, 2016

Fewer than half of all high schools in the United States offer calculus—and the kids who don’t have access to the math course are disproportionately students of color. That finding is among the many disparities between white students and their black and Latino peers revealed in a new report from the Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights. ... Children of color are “not getting the same opportunity to learn” as their white classmates, Education Secretary John King said during a call with reporters. When access to advanced classes is unequal, he continued, the country suffers economically because people with lower levels of education tend to earn less and are even more likely to end up in prison. Separate research also suggests that students who take advanced math and science classes are more likely to earn degrees in those fields than kids who do not. That’s important because where there isn’t a massive need for, say, English majors, engineering and healthcare companies are hiring. So the disparities evident in the high-school years continue to play out in higher education and the workforce more broadly.
Source: New Education Data Reveals Glaring Racial Disparities in Access to Advanced Courses - The Atlantic



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