Hypnotherapist Uses Her Craft as A Parenting Tool

by ParentCo. July 27, 2016

Hypnotherapist Lisa Machenberg uses the method on her three children. ABC News Chief Health and Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser, whose parents are both clinical hypnotists, said hypnosis works for shaping behavior but the evidence is still out on whether or not it is a good tool for children. "The evidence on the clinical use is really, really strong," Besser said. "I haven’t seen that kind of evidence for parenting and that bothers me a little bit." Besser said other strategies parents can use to help their kids perform better include offering praise for good behaviors, using a star chart for school-age kids to track achievements and staying consistent on discipline and expectations. "Not idle threats," Besser said, adding again that hypnosis should only be done by a trained professional.
Source: Mom Uses Hypnosis as a Parenting Tool - ABC News



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