Less Distraction Means More Happiness

by ParentCo. April 07, 2016

Practicing these four skills can provide the substrate for enduring change, which can help to promote higher levels of well-being in our lives. 1. Resilience To paraphrase the bumper sticker, stuff happens. We cannot buffer ourselves from that stuff, but we can change the way we respond to it. 2. Outlook ...the ability to see the positive in others, the ability to savor positive experiences, the ability to see another human being as a human being who has innate basic goodness.? 3. Attention Across a large group of adults in America, researchers found that people spend an average of 47 percent of their waking life not paying attention to what they’re doing. 4. Generosity Human beings come into the world with innate, basic goodness. When we engage in practices that are designed to cultivate kindness and compassion...what we’re doing is recognizing, strengthening, and nurturing a quality that was there from the outset.



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