Look Out Millennials: Your Mom's On Snapchat

by ParentCo. January 14, 2016

Who has hundreds of Snapchat friends and a cooler handle than you? Your mom.

Snapchat users have overwhelmingly been teenagers. But according to this Wired article, the popular app is about to have its milestone "mom moment." In the world of social media, the "mom moment" is defined as that point when 15% or more of users are actual adults. As in, can vote. Every social media empire from MySpace (remember that dinosaur?) to Facebook has reached this important tipping point, propelling the app from niche to mainstream and widespread use. Snapchat is projected to hit that 15% sweet spot this September. And you thought your mom was irrelevant. How will moms use it? Historically, moms get started with new social media to understand what their kids are getting into. They end up sticking around for the laughs and camaraderie. Alli Berry, 25, designer here at Notabli and Parent.co, says she LOVES that her mom is on Snapchat because it's an easy way to "passively keep her updated." Snapchat is keenly aware of this trend. As described in this article from the LA Times, Snapchat knows that limiting its demographic appeal limits the evolution of the business. Additionally, Alli would like to point out that, a year ago, the elder millennials and GenXers in the office laughed at her for using Snapchat. To which she added: WHAT'S SO FUNNY NOW, BITCHES? Today, we downloaded and updated our lives. Thanks to Alli and her mom.
Source: Wired, LA Times, Alli Berry



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