Developed by the Dallas start-up, Robokind Robots, Milo the robot was created to help meet the challenges faced by children with Autism Spectrum Disorder; the fastest growing developmental disorder in the U.S.
Robokind specializes in advanced social robotics. The Robots4Autism arm of the company focuses on building and improving the "expressive, humanoid" robot Milo, as well as providing Milo-based curriculum and research.
Milo keeps children with ASD engaged in many ways, most obviously, because he's a robot. He also has an expressive face, stays calm, and is encouraging.
Robokind recently beat out 600 other start-ups in the North American Startup Contest, garnering the attention of several large angel investors.
The cost of Milo's first iteration, the Zeno R50, was $15K per unit. Milo will be more widely available to schools and families at a significantly lower cost.
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