Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 02/24/16

by ParentCo. February 25, 2016

Sibling play: Games for Toddlers and Preschoolers to Enjoy Together

Playing together is a powerful way for siblings to bond. But for kids at different growth stages, it isn’t always easy to find activities everyone enjoys.

Selfies, Dating, and the American 14-Year-Old

And we managed to create enough drama in our teens without having to navigate the politics of social media. (But it would have been awesome to have parents with Amazon Prime.) Vanity Fair

Bang for Your Buck

24 different people, from an escort to a hedge fund manager, tell the best way to invest a single dollar. And yet, not ONE person suggested buying a doughnut. Weird. The Morning News

Selfies, Dating, and the American 14-Year-Old

And we managed to create enough drama in our teens without having to navigate the politics of social media. (But it would have been awesome to have parents with Amazon Prime.) Vanity Fair

When Did You Become an Adult?

These Atlantic readers responses to Julie Beck's thought provoking essay cover every inch of the human experience. (And some of us are still holding out hope it happens at all.) 

There is a Better Way to Parent Than the Nuclear Family

Maybe our ancestors had it right. This nuclear family thing is straight up exhausting sometimes. (And not necessarily ideal for the kids either.) Aeon



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Starting Fresh: Building a Healthy Post-Divorce Routine for Your Family

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As a family law attorney, I know that the families who thrive post-divorce are the ones that make compromises and think creatively about solving problems.

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A Fresh Start: Building Financial Stability for your Family

by Charlie Fletcher

Small adjustments, like creating a budget or setting savings goals, can make a big difference over time. Build a robust financial future for your family. 

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5 Steps to Giving (Good) Advice to New Parents

by ParentCo.

Here are five easy steps to giving your new-parent loved ones the advice they are looking for without looking like an idiot. (Often times, just listen!)

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