Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/01/16

by ParentCo. March 01, 2016

5 Secrets to Being Happy, Backed by Research

“No pain, no gain” is a myth (unless you're breaking in a badass pair of shoes). Instead, how do you create big picture happiness while enjoying the process? Time

Curiosity Depends on What You Already Know

Where is the sweet spot of curiosity? Somewhere between what we already know and what we know absolutely nothing about. Related: you're not going to find Star Wars in my Google history. Nautilus

Study: What Instagram Can Teach Us About Food Deserts

And here all I thought you could glean from your friends who post endless photos of their meals was that they have too much time on their hands. The Atlantic

Is the Art Room the New Play Room?

The name of the game is "inspire creativity". The strategic move? Make art a part of the daily routine. The Washington Post

It's Not You. Bad Doors Are Everywhere

My biggest takeaway here is if you repeatedly get something wrong, maybe you're not the problem. Vox



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