Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/18/16

by ParentCo. March 18, 2016

I, narcissist – vanity, social media, and the human condition

“We are trying to sanitize the messiness of human experience." Nice selfie. How about you show me a collage of the first 57 takes, mmkay? The Guardian

9 Reasons Why the Self-Esteem of Young Girls Really Matters (Infographic)

We don't need to quantify the reasons, (because, duh) however, we do need every tool in the belt to assure we're raising a generation of empowered ass-kicking females. Good

If you’re just not a morning person, science says you may never be

Next time your kid is all up in your face at 5am, just repeat this mantra:

"Society favors early risers." Vox

6 Ways Your Siblings Affect Your Health

Super thankful my kids can grow up, blame each other for their short comings and leave me out of it. I mean, that's why I had two. Time

Getting to Know Your Kids, One on One

Any specialist who addresses a personal stress of mine by suggesting one solution is to make my kid assist me with the laundry is an ace in my book. Well New York Times



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