Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/28/16

by ParentCo. March 29, 2016

No Spanking, No Time-Out, No Problems

Alright. If positive reinforcement is the name of the game, I'm just going to start following my kids around slow clapping every time they put their clothes in the hamper and settle on a Netflix show without a shouting match. The Atlantic

10 Simple Ways to Make Other People Happy

Knowing it takes so very little to truly make my day, ("Hey person I've never met! Your kids are charming and hilarious!" "Why, thank you! I will remember that later when I want to glue their bottom lips to their eyebrows!") you'd think I'd remember to do the same for others more often. One spin around the internet and it's clear many folks could use a refresher. (Not that I'm saying you do. I'm saying you can passive aggressively share this where you see fit.)

Schools Are Slow to Learn That Sleep Deprivation Hits Teenagers Hardest

Finally, vindication that my daily nap in physics class, senior year of high school, was beyond my control. (And judging by how often I think about gravity beyond crossing my fingers I don't fall while walking in heels, I didn't miss much.) The New York Times

Please Stop Saying You Want to Go to Cuba Before It’s Ruined

Yes. Things are changing in Cuba, but think for a second beyond what that means for tourists Instagram game. Flood Magazine

Software Flags 'Suicidal' Students, Presenting Privacy Dilemma

Some days I think if there were a place to hand in my adult card, I'd line up so fast there'd be a visible trail of dust in my wake. Then I read things like this and I'm reminded that being an adult affords me the luxury of keeping my Google searches to myself. I guess I'll hold onto that card after all. NPR



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