Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/29/16

by ParentCo. March 30, 2016

Confessions of a Radical Doula

Yes, we are super fortunate to be living in an age where giving birth is not a guaranteed gamble with death. However, far too many women are led away from trusting the process, instead, being talked into the procedure. The Cut

The 'Swap-The-Baby' Test

Don't call my baby a start-up. My start-up never projectile vomited down the front of my dry-clean only sweater while smiling. NPR

Why Fathers Take More Paternity Leave For Sons

I guess it makes sense in a way. Michael Keaton didn't sell the Mr. Mom biz hard enough. (But that ironing board grilled cheese was pretty brilliant.)

The Artist Behind the Three-Eyed Fish and Selfie Rat, and Other Hoaxes

The internet certainly didn't create eccentrics, but it no doubt gives everyone a platform to tout their own brand of weird. The New York Times

How to Make Money Investing in Legos, One Minifig at a Time

Don't feel bad if the balance of your kid's college fund couldn't cover the cost of a pizza party. Chances are, you've got a few Lego sets kicking around. The return on that investment may be better anyway. Inverse



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