Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/30/16

by ParentCo. March 31, 2016

When You Become The Person You Hate On The Internet

To write on the internet is to risk offending anyone who can read. Sure, "offensive" can be in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes even the most conscious of social media jokesters can accidentally be a big jerk. (Still apologizing, friends who enjoy Zumba...) All Tech Considered : NPR

Working Moms: Do Working Moms Negatively Impact Kids?

Here, Moms. Let me take that Working/Stay at Home Guilt Shawl off your shoulders. It's so '90s. Put this I'm Doing What Works Cape of Badassery on instead. That feels better, doesn't it? Motto

10 Ways to Raise Brave Girls

Whenever I wonder if I'm personally doing a good job of this, I remind myself of the way my 4 year old daughter sighs when her 10 year old brother asks her to accompany him down to the basement. Outside Online

Sorry, but you can’t blame your children’s genes

"Look, teacher. It's not that my child was born completely terrible at math. It's really because of who I am as a person. And I'm a person who hates math." The Guardian

What creative people understand about the importance of being alone

The best creative thinking I've done in the past month occurred when I was all, "FINE, DON'T COME WATCH THE BEAUTFUL SUNSET WITH ME, YOU JERKS." and walked to the lake all by myself. Guess that wasn't a coincidence. Quartz



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