Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 4/01/16
by ParentCo.
April 02, 2016
Do People Still Make Phone Prank Calls?
Let's just say sleepovers would have been mighty different if caller ID had been the norm when I was in middle school. At least technology can't take away the old "slip their hand into a bowl of warm water" bit.
The Atlantic
The Case for Teaching Girls to Masturbate in Sex Ed
Ok. Stay with me, here. Author Peggy Ornstein is currently leading the charge when it comes to girls and sex, with her book published this week,
Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape. According to her it's high time we accompany the lessons of mechanics with some real talk (and actual naming of the lady parts, for the love of pearl. please. )
The Cut
Science Proves That Parents Really Do Play Favorites
I will fully admit to having a favorite kid. It's whomever isn't currently in the throes of a full on Naomi Campbell diva fit or insisting on taking a dump while I shower.
Psychologists Have Invented a Test to Measure Your Secret Need for Drama
Forward this newsletter to your friend who always posts those insufferably vague "woe is me, but don't you dare ask me what the hell is wrong because I'm not talking about it" social media updates. They probably really like internet quizzes.
Science of Us
The Daniel Boulud Course on Food and Life
Good news. If there's hope for this unadventurous hot dog lover to become a foodie, your kid isn't doomed either. (And maybe I could even convince myself to choke down some of those disgusting oysters.)