Scorpio April 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. April 01, 2016

You’re the perceptive detective of the zodiac.

Not only do you notice how people operate, you’re usually able to decipher why. People think of you as brooding, mysterious and sexy. It’s all true. Damn you. You're so sexy. It’s also true that you have a hard time untangling emotion from practicality and business. This month there’s a full moon in Scorpio and you’ll have all kinds of determination. It’s a great time to quit a bad habit -- like going to the Taco Bell drive-thru. It's also a great time to commit to trying something new -- like not going to the Taco Bell drive-thru. Financial willpower is a different story. Social butterfly Mars is hanging out in Sagittarius, churning up a lot of impulsive energy, so hold off on big purchases for now. The kids will test you. They want Legos, they want iPhones, they want free bubble gum for life. Keep your wallet in your pocket and stay strong, you sexy astrological arachnid!



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