The Man Flu Is Real

by ParentCo. January 15, 2016

A new study released by the American Journal of Physiology (and conveniently summarized in this article) shows that the flu virus replicates more rapidly in men, producing a stronger illness faster.

The man flu -- defined by Urban Dictionary as the condition shared by all males wherein a common illness (usually a mild cold) is presented by the patient as life-threatening -- is such a widely accepted phenomenon, Someecards has a whole category dedicated to the issue. And now, turns out it's real. UGH. BOOOO.


I've seen it myself. Once, when I had the flu, I drove my husband to the ER because he also had the flu - only worse. And while I sat waiting with a blazing headache and wracking chills, my husband was doted over by nurses - reclined in a bed and hooked to a morphine drip. I seriously almost left him there. imgresI'll be honest, I really don't want this to be true. No woman wants to hear that when dudes get the flu it might actually -- scientifically -- be worse. Especially considering that Google searches for flu reveal that peak influenza season conveniently coordinates with Valentine's Day. (Tell me again conspiracy theories aren't real.) 1329832036005_9597636 HOLD UP though ladies, because here's the twist: it's our estrogen - and men's lack thereof - that makes us more resistant to the virus. Conclusion: WE STILL HAVE THE UPPER HAND ON THIS more ways than one. images-3 And guess what else? Our estrogen super-power probably also makes us more resistant to other viruses like HIV, Ebola, and hepatitis. BAM. Man-Cold-660 Not sure how this accounts for the same-sex couples who've told me this dynamic exists in their relationships as well. I'm no scientist, but I'd hazard a follow-up study on how patterns and personalities impact our immune systems would verrrrrrrryyyy interesting. man-flu Good luck out there this flu season. Don't forget to pick up your copy of: The-Man-Cold-A-Running-Commentary1
Source: IFLScience, APS Journals



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