Help Win a Webby Award

by ParentCo. April 05, 2016

Vote for

We are incredibly honored to be nominated for a Webby Award in the category of Family/Parenting.

Hailed as the “Internet’s highest honor” by The New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet. This nomination recognizes the work of more than 100 writers on over the past year, sharing a perspective on parenthood that’s irreverent, inclusive, positive, and informed.

About Voting

Parent Co. is just over a year old. To be sure, we’re an underdog in this race. Every vote helps. We're also hoping you’ll ask your friends, followers, and fans to vote for After you vote, please SHARE your vote on Facebook and Twitter via the share buttons on the ballot.
Email and message your friends and family to vote for with this link: You might also consider posting this in any of your Facebook or other groups.




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