Ways Parents can Help Underage Kids Resist Alchohol

by ParentCo. July 07, 2016

To discourage teenage alcohol use, parents can engage their kids in discussion, set some rules and let their children know they care. The study also found that how often parents drank was predictive of teen and young adult binge drinking. While the survey didn't ask about the amount of alcohol consumed, the research supports the idea that parents' drinking behavior can send a powerful message to kids in terms of what is acceptable. Finally, it was more likely that adolescents were drinking if their parents expected they were drinking. This self-fulfilling prophecy may stem from parents not intervening and educating their kids when they suspect alcohol use, says Crano, even though that is exactly what is needed.
Source: How Parents Can Help Their Underage Kids Resist Alcohol : Shots - Health News : NPR



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