6 Ways to Excel on Father's Day

by ParentCo. June 19, 2016

This holiday takes fatherhood in its entirety, as a grand, amazing vocation and reminds us it is one of honor and might, not just in how it plays in our own personal lives.

This Father’s Day is going to be perfect. I will sneak out of bed early so as not to rouse my husband, who finally managed to sleep through the entire night without one of the kids or the dogs crying for him. He will wake up to the smell of frying bacon and roasting coffee instead of a little one’s morning breath in his face asking if she can play with his computer or Nerf gun.

1. Actually Acknowledge Father’s Day

Give dads their day. Don’t avoid it...

2. Remember to K.I.S.S.

Yes, smooches are appreciated, I’m sure, but I really mean to remember to keep it simple, stupid...

3. Let Him (Or Yourself) Be Dad

Throw out some of the more asinine house rules, let your inner kid out, and let loose. Play. Roughhouse with the kids. Have an all-out Nerf-gun war or water-gun fight. Build huge cushion forts. Grill. Roast marshmallows. Play catch...

5. It’s Not All About You

....This holiday takes fatherhood in its entirety, as a grand, amazing vocation, and reminds us it is one of honor and might, not just in how it plays in our own personal, day-to-day lives, but how it serves us in society and civilization.

6. Serve Others

Fatherhood is a vocation of sacrificial leadership, one designed not for the satisfaction and pleasure of the man in that role, but for the benefit, protection, and well-being of the children in his care. Dads are to give themselves to their family, to serve rather than be served... Source: 6 Tips For A Father’s Day He’ll Actually Enjoy



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