7 CrAzy Things That Might Happen If You Leave Dad Alone With the Kids

by ParentCo. October 26, 2017

When Mom’s away, the kids will play, and Dad – well, he’ll be in for a wild day! Mom’s usually the one who has it all figured out: she grocery shops, she cooks, she works, and she plays. She knows all the kids' schedules, when they got their last round of vaccines, and their favorite fruit. She has the numbers to the pediatrician, the teacher, and the babysitter on speed dial and she always knows when to call the nurse line and when to rush into urgent care. Dad, well, he’s another story. And when he’s in charge anything goes! Check out the CrAzY things that might happen when you leave dad alone with the kids:

1 | Dad might make the kids a WiLd breakfast ...

That’s well balanced and nutrient rich because he’s a grown up whose been feeding himself since he went off to college and feeding the kids since they began eating solids. No cold cereals here – this guy prefers to make his kids a hot breakfast that will give them the fuel they need to learn, grow and play!

2 | Dad might dress the kids in WaCkY outfits …

Because they’re going to be playing hard all day and he doesn’t want to get any of their smocked overalls or dresses to dirty. After all, next week is picture day at school and he wants to make sure all their good clothes are ready!

3 | Dad might be ShOcKeD by a dirty diaper …

Because babies make amazingly huge dirty diapers that would shock the pants off of any caretaker. He’ll change it without complaint though – dirty to clean in less than 45 seconds, because that what parents do.

4 | Dad might take the kids on a CrAzY adventure …

Like to the park, the playground, or the museum because he knows their interests and is committed to spending quality time with them. He also wants to be the one to help them develop a lifelong love of being active, introduce them to new games, and open their eyes to new ideas.

5 | Dad might let the house turn into a HuGe mess …

Because he understands that kids are only little once and that the laundry can wait. Sometimes, it takes making messes to make memories. Don’t worry though – he’ll pick everything up after the kids are in bed.

6 | Dad might not know how to respond when the kids ask him some BiG questions …

So he’ll let them know that he’s got to think about his answer. He’ll do a little research, consult his buddy who happens to be a family therapist, and circle back with his kids when he feels confident about what he wants to say.

7 | Dad might struggle his way though bedtime …

Because that shit’s just hard. But, once the kids are finally still and quiet, he’ll probably stand in their doorway wondering how they got so big so quickly. Then he’ll get to cleaning up that mess from earlier.



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