What My Facebook Feed Taught Me About Myself

by ParentCo.

I’m worn out from being told how to be better, do more, and be less me. The truth is this isn’t about the Facebook feed at all.

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A baby is eating

5 Unique Alternatives to Baby Books (That Won’t Make You Feel Like a Failure)

by Pam Moore

In the age of the smartphone, many parents are finding the traditional baby book just doesn’t make sense.

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Two girls are playing with mobile

7 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Put a Mobile Spy on Your Kid’s Cell Phone

by ParentCo.

Before you fall for a company’s “You MUST monitor your child’s cell phone” scare tactic, consider these things.

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A chinese girl reading book by scartching her head

A Cause of Reading and Writing Struggles You May be Overlooking

by ParentCo.

According to new research, one of the earliest warning signs of hearing impairment might be when a child struggles to read or write.

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Kid made pizza

Kid Made Recipe: Pesto Puff Pastry Wreath

by ParentCo.

This recipe is simple enough for kids to take the lead, but it looks so fancy and festive it will wow any holiday guests.

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baby with flowers on its head

Making the Case for the Middle Name

by ParentCo.

A carefully selected middle name can discharge an obligation, preserve history, and appease in-laws all at the same time.

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Twin sisters

Does Being a Twin Impact Your Future Relationships?

by ParentCo.

Twins are born into the world with a cosmic connection to another person. What does that mean for everyone else that comes into their lives?

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Why the Grandparents Can Exercise Their Spoiling-Rights This Christmas

by ParentCo.

Grandparents love to spoil. It is as part of the job description – especially around the holidays.

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Cartoon zebra painting

7 Books to Help Kids Understand Life with Autism

by ParentCo.

It's estimated that one in every 68 children in the United States has experience with some form of autism. These books can help them relate.

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Father seeing letters while his kid is watching tab

Money: There's No Magic Number When Kids Enter the Picture

by ParentCo.

Before my children came along, money wasn't a major source of stress. But things are different now.

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50 Questions to Get Your Kid Thinking Like a Scientist

by Julieann Selden

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A guy holding a fidget spinner

Trouble in Toyland? You Can Relax About These Holiday Toy Warnings

by ParentCo.

If previous years are any indication, CALPIRG's report will be the next big scary story on your local news broadcast. Here's why it's going to be ok.

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Cake made by kid

Kid Made Recipe: Almond Layer Cookies

by ParentCo.

These tasty cookies are a perfect holiday treat. Mix it up and use any colors you like!

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young girl collecting and counting coins

How to Explore STEM Skills With Your Kid When It's Not Your Strong Suit

by ParentCo.

Many parents are challenged by math and sciences, and therefore shy away from working on those skills with their kids. But there are simple ways to do so.

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person handing a child a building block

The Struggle to Find Decent Childcare is Real, According to New National Poll

by ParentCo.

According to recent findings, two out of three parents struggle to find childcare that meets their safety and health standards.

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woman using a speaker on her mobile phone

The Best App for Keeping Up With Your Mom Friends

by ParentCo.

This app has already revolutionized my female friendships, uniting us across time zones and hemispheres, weaving the loose threads of our days together.

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young girl looking at computer screen

What Would a Year Without Homework Look Like?

by Nina Parrish

Not having homework (other than a reading log) has provided one very surprising outcome: My daughter probably does more homework.

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question mark on yellow background

Why We Need to Stop Saying “I’m Not Good at Math”

by ParentCo.

While we may believe it, saying we’re not good at math is arguably the most damaging self-fulfilling prophecy in America today.

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three boys holding each other around the back

10 Good (and Bad) Habits My Kids Picked up Living Abroad

by Annalisa Nash Fernandez

Life abroad: outdoor cafes, couture fashion, art museums…but what do kids take away from it? Some good things, and some bad.

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young woman looking at a card smiling

Five Tips to Make Being Thoughtful Easy

by ParentCo.

Luckily, just like most things in life, being thoughtful is skill that we can practice and develop.

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Potato Recipe made by kid

Kid Made Recipe: Potato Latkes

by ParentCo.

The trick to super crispy latkes (fried potato pancakes) is getting as much water from your grated potatoes as you can. And don't forget the apple sauce!

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young boy in a corner

50,000 Preschoolers Suspended in 2016 for Being Preschoolers

by ParentCo.

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two girls blowing bubbles inside

Observations on Sisters From Their Mother, An Only Child

by ParentCo.

For me, based on my experience as an only child and married to an only child we made a decision that we did not want to have an only child.

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two small robots one has help written on it

A Brutally Honest Holiday Guide to STEM Toy Shopping

by Amy Barnes

As a parent, I have gotten caught in the “it is labeled STEM, it must be good” trap. And all that's gotten me is a dusty basement full of expensive toys.

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