baby boy in a bathroom

I Don't Mind That My Toddler Has No Interest in Potty Training

by Pam Moore

Despite my efforts, my toddler has yet to demonstrate any real interest in potty training. And that is fine with me, at least for right now. Here’s why.

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lgbt family

Foster Care: Here's What You Need to Know

by Jessica Williams

More than 400,000 kids are in foster care across the U.S. The foster system is facing a crisis due to a shortage of foster parents and foster homes.

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young girl smiling

Day Trips: The Perfect Summer Adventure on a Budget

by ParentCo.

With these eight strategies, you can successfully hit the road with your kids in a way that doesn’t leave you swearing off one-day family fun forever.

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two women smiling on the beach

Taking Time for Me this Mother's Day

by Pam Moore

If you come back to your family refreshed and happy, that vibe will trickle down to the whole family as they catch your mood. Take time for you.

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pouring sake into a cup

Why Sake Should Be Every Parent’s Go-To Drink

by Kelsey Erin Shipman

Despite the recent takedown of "Wine Mom Culture," there are ways for parents to enjoy a hard earned drink at the end of the day.

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mother caring for her baby girl while working from home

5 Reasons Moms Make Great Business Owners

by Hajira Khan

Mothers, like business owners, are required to be multi-tasking experts. Both need to plan, execute, adapt, problem-solve and delegate. The two jobs go hand in hand.

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baby approaching mens black sunglasses

Why "Work Life Balance" Is Too Simplistic for Modern Dads

by ParentCo.

There's been a lot of change for dads in a short period of time. Today they work as many hours as previous generations, but do three times the childcare and twice the housework as dads a generation ago. In this interview, Scott Behson, PhD, author of "The Working Dad's Survival Guide" talks about how working dads can create a more balanced life of family, work, and self, and how employers can help make it happen.

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baby playing

How to Get Things Done While Taking Care of Your Baby

by Charlie Fletcher

With a few practical tips and strategies in place, you can stay on top of your other responsibilities so you don’t feel overwhelmed by too many changes at once.

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mothers with childern

How to Make Friends as a New Parent

by Charlie Fletcher

Being a new parent can feel lonely. Here are some ways to get out there and make new friends - and nurture your existing relationships (even while exhausted).

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potty training

The Developmental Milestones That Should Actually Make You Excited

by Rebecca Lang

I record all of my kids' important milestones like walking and talking. I also keep a list of all their achievements that make my life as a mom just a little bit easier.

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Kid sitting on toilet, Low view on his legs hanging

Here's How to Potty Train Your Baby

by Mark Oliver

Instead of training toddlers out of a lifelong habit, the Chinese forego diapers from birth. It's a hands on approach to potty training and it works.

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baby sitting on potty

For Best Potty Training Results, It's Parent Readiness That Matters

by Cheryl Maguire

Having a potty trained kid seems like a great idea. Until you consider what it means for you.

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father assisting his little boy sitting on pot

Professional Potty Trainers and Two Other Early Parenting Coaches You Can Totally Hire

by ParentCo.

Though pricey, these services can make a world of difference for families struggling through early parenting milestones.

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gloved hand cleaning countertop

5 Science-Backed Ways to Spring Clean Your Parenting (Without Going Insane)

by ParentCo.

This spring season we're going easy on the household cleaning and focusing on simplifying our parent minds. Yes, easier said than done. Here some ideas!

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mother and child holding hands

8 Simple Life Hacks to Help Parents Look Good

by Rhiannon Giles

Let's get real. Those "hacks" you've pinned are 3x harder than doing the thing in the first place. Here are some more appealing options.

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mom dad and kids in bed sleeping

Parenthood: Always Waiting, Often for Sleep

by Pam Moore

Parenting is, by definition, a kind of waiting. We, the parents of the world, are all holding our collective breaths together. The big question: will the child sleep?

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crying baby

5 Phrases to Help Avoid Toddler Meltdowns

by ParentCo.

Toddlers like to feel autonomous and in control. Adopting these five phrases can help avoid the meltdowns and give them a sense they have a say.

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boy talking to parent or teacher

How to Help Your Children Understand Mental Illness

by ParentCo.

As the first to go through a mental illness in my family, it was no surprise that my parents didn’t know how to react. Here's how to talk about mental health with kids.

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smiling parents with baby lying in between

50 Questions to Help Identify Your True Parenting Values

by Sanya Pelini

Questions about parenting can help us clarify where our parenting values lie. Try this list if you're looking to find yours.

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mother and baby daughter morning bonding

30 Fresh Ways to Tell Your Kids You Love Them

by ParentCo.

There's nothing more spectacular than feeling loved. Beyond saying three simple words, there are many special ways to share that feeling with our kids.

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girl wearing backpack and glasses

5 Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Child's Daily Routine

by ParentCo.

Mindfulness is one of the most powerful tools we have available to us. It has also become an increasingly treasured practice. Here's how to make it part of everyday.

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7 Coping Skills That Make Me a Better Mom

7 Coping Skills That Make Me a Better Mom

by ParentCo.

Patience and understanding don't always come easy in the trenches of toddler raising. Fortunately, there are ways to cultivate both.

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baby eating

How to Choose Baby Gear for Small Spaces

by Hannah Howard

Living in small homes makes choosing the right baby gear essential. Here’s how to navigate selecting baby supplies that make life easier without clutter.

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mother working and ignoring child who is behind her chair

5 Tips for Working From Home Without Childcare

by ParentCo.

If you’re considering working from home without putting your kids in childcare, these tips can help you feel and be more productive throughout the day.

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