Many women dream of taking a babymoon to Paris. But a transatlantic flight and a high price tag aren't always ideal. Enter Quebec City. The best reason why Quebec City is a top babymoon destination: Its must-see list isn’t overwhelming. If you’re there for a few days, there’s no reason you can’t justify a late afternoon nap.
Just about all of us had a few wrong ideas about raising kids before we became parents ourselves. Some of these ideas might have been based on our own wacky ideas of how we would do things differently than everyone else. Other ideas we take for granted as new parents, only to realize later how laughable the idea was.
I wouldn’t wish labor pains on my worst enemy. But I would wish them on my husband. Without the benefit of actual experience, it’s impossible to develop the true understanding that empathy requires.
I understand that for the most part, people mean well. So usually these "let me warn you" statements are intended to either commiserate slightly over the difficulties that all parents go through, or to give you a friendly bit of advice over what you can come to expect. What ever happened to the old adage that if you don’t have anything good to say, you shouldn’t say anything at all?
It takes a certain amount of guts (sorry) to face down Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) a third time, as the Duchess of Cambridge announced she’s doing. The condition, which affects 1 percent of pregnant woman, can make you vomit more than 40 times a day. There's morning sickness, then there's HVG. If your pregnancy related vomiting is excessive, read on.
I’ve asked friends, parents, and experts for ways to prep my toddler for becoming a big sister and navigating the tidal wave of change that a new baby will inevitably bring.
There are many people standing up for a woman’s right to breastfeed in public these days. That’s wonderful, but it's left me a bit confused as a new mom.
They say it takes a village to raise a child, but it’s rare that we actually trust our village to come through for us when we need them to. What if we did?
It’s a common tableau. We are two women – she’s a mom and I’m a grandmother – watching the children in our care playing in the ball pit at a toddler gym program.
Here's a list of things you can practice before you birth your baby so that you maintain a sense of self when you're suddenly alone with a newborn all day.
The mother figure has become synonymous with sacrifice and nobility when ultimately we are fulfilling our own needs and desires as we undertake this role.
You are going to take a walk one evening, just before you turn 30, and by the time you get home, you will have made the decision that will change your life.