Do yourself a favor and listen to this Storycorps episode, featuring a nine year old boy asking his father some searching questions.
The conversation is moving, but what I really appreciate about this conversation is the way the two talk with each other.Aidan (son): Are you proud of me?Albert (father): Of course. You my man! Your spirit, your personality. I, I just love everything about you. Period.
Listen to the whole thing: StoryCorps | Albert Sykes and Aidan Sykes
Mexican history and culture are magical, vibrant and multifaceted. Help your kids appreciate its rich architecture, art, music, flavors, and festivities.
How do you explain the world’s ginormous environmental problems to children without making them feel guilty, anxious or depressed? One parent shares her journey.
Here’s a guide for parents to teach their kids how to save water and protect the planet. We must educate our children about the environment to help future generations.