An instagram famous travel photographer on how to take epic photos

by ParentCo. June 01, 2015

If you've ever spent a few minutes on instagram, you know that not all phone photographers are created equal. Though considering the level playing field when it comes to hardware and software, the possibility for incredible shots is available to basically anyone. Cole Rise, the instagram famous travel photographer (who consequently is the creator of the "rise" filter, which I always assumed had been named in reference to the sun) shared some of his tips in a recent Buzzfeed article.
“Keep hiking. Be the crazy one.” The only way to find beautiful, epic places is to, simply, explore. If you’re visiting a monument, hike past the photo opps and drive away from the tourists. Push yourself to go even further. Cole often tells people: “Live a great life, and the photos will come.”
Whether you're photographing ancient ruins or your kids playing in the backyard, keeping these few things in mind can elevate any image you capture Read them all over at Buzzfeed: How To Take Your Travel Photos To The Next Level



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