Our Parents Were Awesome

by ParentCo. February 04, 2015

The year 2000 still seems futuristic to me. To my 6-year old, it's ancient history. When she views photos of her mom or I taken in the 90's, 80's or 70's, it's like she's witnessing a former age. In many ways she is. 70 million photos and videos are uploaded to Instagram every single day. But just a generation ago, all photographs came from a lab, processed from film. We brought them home in paper envelopes and glued them into cardboard albums. Getting copies was expensive. The whole thing seems so retro. It was just a decade ago. Retro is one of the many charms of the Tumblr "My Parents Were Awesome." It features vintage photos of parents when they were young and carefree - in other words, before they were parents. Or, "back when they didn't just think they were cool, they actually were cool." It's easy to wonder what our parents were thinking back then, with their goofy fashions and awkward hairstyles. But then I realize that this is how my kid already perceives her mom and I in our own "old" photos. Me with backwards baseball hat and vertically striped shirts, her in hypercolor and a fannypack (sorry sweetheart, but I've seen those photos). Acid washed denim everywhere. As I settle into dadhood, I not only accept my place in this tradition but welcome it. Our parents were awesome. So are we.



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