Parent Co. Daily News For Parents 3/10/16

by ParentCo. March 10, 2016

Reshma Saujani: Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection

Socializing our girls to be imperfect means allowing them to embrace mistakes, missteps, and finding the guts to ask questions. The future of innovation is counting on it. Ted Talks

Miscarriage From the Father’s Perspective

Given the odds, it seems a spectacular feat that any of us are here at all. More extraordinarily, even after soul crushing loss, we face it all again because it's worth it. Medium

How the Reversal of Adult and Child Roles Is Hurting Kids

Calling the behavior of some adults who are currently hogging the national spotlight "childish," is really an insult to children everywhere. Especially since these days, we're hardly letting kids be kids. The Atlantic

Flesh-Colored Tights: Empowering My Daughter Through Dance

When the term "flesh-colored" actually means what it says, the significance cannot be overstated. The Washington Post

How Asking 5 Questions Allowed Me to Eat Dinner With My Kids

Identify the problem, uncover the root by stacking a series of questions. Problem solved. (Simple. Ish. Ok. Maybe.) The New York Times



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