Cancer May 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. April 29, 2016

animation of crab with caption cancer

How’s it going with the feelings, Cancy-pants? Yeah. You can blame that on the moon every day for the rest of your life. Your ruling planet is the moon, and it’s not even a planet, so go ahead and work that out with some feelings.

The moon though? It waxes and wanes, just like your tender heart. Your heart’s so tender, we should name it Travis Tritt. Your kids love this about you, by the way, and they’ll grow up to be better adults for it — knowing how to feel and identify feelings is definitely the first step in our long journey to world peace. No pressure here — it’s just that you’re ok, it’s all gonna be ok. Here’s something to keep in mind: Venus and Gemini are meeting up for coffee. It’s a casual, light-hearted, see where things go kinda date. But since the cafe is in your solar 12th house of privacy, you might feel inclined to hide out in your room. Try not to. At least go get yourself a nice iced coffee and put your face up to the sun. It’s better to be alone in the light, than alone in the dark.



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