Libra May 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. April 29, 2016

animation of a justice scale with caption libra

How much do you love being alone?! Hahaa! That’s funny, right?

Your worst nightmare is that sacred-mountain-silent-and-solitary-meditation trip you see advertised in yoga magazines. Hey, travel alone to Machu Pichu and find yourself! Yeah, no thanks. Nama’stay with friends. Duh. Of course. Because Libras love being with people! You also like balance and partnerships. So, it gets a little tricky hanging with people and feeling like you need to constantly recalibrate that balance — maybe by adopting opinions that aren’t truly your own? Like when you find yourself saying: yeah, I totally agree that Log Cabin is just as good as real maple syrup. What? No, you don’t! No one thinks that. That is cah-razy talk, pal. You can have your own thoughts and opinions and ideas, EVEN if it means that there’s imbalance. Your responsibility is to yourself - not to the conversational scales of justice. Your kids are watching you, by the way. Teach your kids to have their own perspective, even if it’s not popular, even if it doesn’t fix everything. Show them they can, by doing it yourself. Check this out: the Taurus planet jam band will be making cool geometric connections with Jupiter and Pluto. For you, this means a whole month of smooth sailing.



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