Watch the "What's Your Watermark" Video

by ParentCo. May 19, 2016

The "What’s Your Watermark?" film is inspired by a desire to educate people about water issues locally and globally, and to challenge them to make their impact more positive.

The film is produced by Clear Water Filtration as way to help people decode the issues at stake, understand the potential for positive impact, and to celebrate those locally who are leading the way in making a difference. Many documentaries about water present a depressing onslaught of issues. This video isn't like that. It examines the issues, but then shows the innovative people making bold steps toward change. From

Clear Water Filtration has been dealing with water on a scientific and business level for thirty years by installing, fixing, and testing residential and business water treatment equipment for various issues such as staining, odor, and build-up.

Then a shift happened. It started with a mission to donate a portion of our sales to From there it blossomed into a partnership with a local Vermont organization, Pure Water for The World. After a year of working with Pure Water, the idea of building our own program to tackle Vermont’s unique water needs came to the forefront, and What’s Your Watermark? was born.

Our goal is to change people’s mindset when it comes to how they use water, and how that usage can, for better or worse, impact the world. What’s your Watermark?

Read: Interview With Entrepreneur and Water Rights Advocate Jenneth Fleckenstein




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