Your High School Pitcher's Pitch Count is Essential for Their Safety

by ParentCo. June 17, 2016

Sports medicine experts in Illinois are leading a preemptive strike against high school overpitching in the U.S. Concerned that only eight states have pitch count regulations for high school pitchers...
MOR physicians have completed a series of studies ... all reach the same conclusion: high school pitchers are throwing too much without proper recovery time. They also believe they should play more than one sport, rest between seasons and do appropriate warm ups and strength training. To help educate coaches, parents, players and high school association members, MOR physicians, along with members of the Illinois Athletic Trainers Association (IATA)and the National Pitching Association are participating in a program called Shoulders for Life, which encourages limiting pitches and instituting mandatory rest and cross training is essential for the health of throwing athletes. To obtain a “Shoulders for Life” bag tag with injury prevention tips, visit: Source: Doctors and Athletic Trainers Urge States to Regulate Pitch Count for High School Baseball Players



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