Aquarius June 2016 Horoscope

by ParentCo. June 02, 2016

Aquarius (January 20 - February 19): This is the dawning of the age, Aquarius. Right now. Did you set your alarm? Did you wake up?

Good. Look around. Everything you ever wanted is right here. It’s interesting, it’s smart, it’s artistic, and it’s full of stories waiting to be told, stories yet to be written. Your kids love life, they love laughing in the bright summertime sun. Join in! Match their joy! See if you can practice being present, they way children are. What do they see? What do they celebrate?

Your solar 5th house of playmates and fun is about to host a tribe of fast-moving Gemini planets. Friendships will strengthen, connections will be fortified. Remember: these planets are the people you wanted in your life, this is the tribe you hoped for. Cerebral, attentive, generous, real.

Pull your people to you, breathe them, hold them close.



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