two people playing with a dreidel

Our Family Is Interfaith and Better for It

by ParentCo.

Each new experience and tradition we shared with one another went off without a hitch. In fact, we soon learned our differences as a Jewish man and a Irish Catholic woman actually helped to bring us closer.

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family reading a book together

How Wordless Books Can Help Your Kid Learn to Read

by ParentCo.

Wordless books can be enjoyed by readers of all ages and can help develop a taste for reading for pleasure and delight in illustration.

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reading a fairy tale at christmas

Countdown to Christmas With 24 Books

by ParentCo.

24 Days of Christmas Books is a great way to spend time together during the busy holiday season. Here are some of our favorites to get you started.

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Hands splashing on water

5 Sensory Experiences to Enhance Learning & Benefit Any Kid

by ParentCo.

Sensory experiences can help increase focus and concentration and calm anxiety and hyperactivity in all kids- not just those with special needs.

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child playing play musical instrument

4 Ways to Introduce Your Kids to Classical Music

by ParentCo.

Research suggests that classical music can have positive effects for children, including memory development, creativity, and self-expression. Plus, it's fun!

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electronic waste drawing illustration

How to Help Your Child Build and Maintain a Positive Digital Identity

by ParentCo.

As a parent in the millennial age, understanding our digital identities is crucial. What can we do to teach our kids to navigate this complex digital world?

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little boy playing with toy car

How to Praise your Kids: A Process Praise Primer

by Jessica Williams

To put it simply, process praise is praise that emphasizes the work, effort, or actions of the child. Praise contributes to our kids' development.

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kid in glasses reading book

12 Books that Reflect the Diversity of the World Around Us

by ParentCo.

I want my children to know that many kids look and live differently than they do. These wonderful, powerful, and fun books can help.

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woman holding baby and laughing

Fighting for my Autistic Son to Stay in his General Education Classroom

by Megan Burgess

Why is my autistic son in a general education classroom? I could argue it's for inclusion, but the truth is, I fought to keep him there because it felt right.

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father and son playing outside

5 Ways to Help Your Child Value Sustainability through Nature

by Charlie Fletcher

Children need to experience nature first-hand, enjoy it, respect it, and learn what they can do to keep the planet healthy for years to come. 

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two girls with microscope

Hatching Frog Eggs This Spring with Your Kids

by ParentCo.

Providing children with opportunities to interact with wild creatures in safe ways is one of the best ways to spark life-long interests in the natural world. A frog egg project is a great place to start

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girl browsing a bookshelf

10 Novels That Explore What Growing Up Is Really Like

by ParentCo.

Being (and parenting) a teen is hard. From the struggles of self-identity, domestic violence, and suicide and loss, these 10 new YA novels poignantly tackle the tough issues.

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kids painting

Understanding the Fascinating Link Between Anxiety and Creativity

by ParentCo.

A growing body of research suggests that there may be a link between creativity and anxiety. Here's how to help your kids express creativity and manage anxiety.

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group of children playing on green grass

How to Truly Teach Your Children Inclusivity to Promote an Equitable Society

by Allyson Stone

Our children are the ones who hold the power to a more harmonious future, and we are the ones with the responsibility of teaching them. Raising inclusive, aware children is worth venturing outside our comfort zones.

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young boy and girl cooking

Got Leftover Easter Ham? Try This Recipe.

by ParentCo.

Skip the ham sandwiches and make this mouthwatering, warm and crusty take on the classic diner Monte Cristo sandwich.

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What I Wish I’d Said When My Kid Asked Me What All Genders Meant

What I Wish I’d Said When My Kid Asked Me What All Genders Meant

by Pam Moore

My husband and I have talked with our kids about bodies, private parts, and where babies come from. But a talk about gender is not about sexuality.

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animation of a young girl jumping in air holding iron rod

10 Children's Books to Celebrate Black History Month

by ParentCo.

From courageous activists to extraordinary citizens, it’s a wonderful time to share these stories with your children.

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child looking at foot print on snow ground , traffic light

The Importance of Children's Books That Reflect Diversity

by ParentCo.

If my child's books contain only white people, what lesson does that teach about what the world looks like?

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Two children are reading books in a school

The Bipartisan Growth of Homeschooling

by ParentCo.

Homeschooling in the United States continues to grow exponentially, but it's not just religious conservatives leading the expansion.

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sun's rays fall on the boy's face inside a dark room

How Long Does the Pain of Bullying Last?

by ParentCo.

Bullying can have long term impact on mental health. These days parents don’t just have to watch for traditional bullying such as physical violence, taunts and social exclusion, we also have to monitor for cyber-bullying. If bullying happens, how can you help?

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family walking on the street

Want to Be Happier This Year? Learn Your Tendency

by ParentCo.

Knowing our tendency can impact how we parent, how we interact with others, and how much grace we offer ourselves.

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young girl happy in bed with white sheets

Why learning how to be adaptable is more important for kids than ever

by Emily Glover

If you had asked someone this time last year to explain “social distancing,” what would they have said? As we all know, adults weren’t the only ones who had to make adjustments when the pandemic began: Kids around the world were thrust into remote schooling situations, moved playdates exclusively to video calls, and were encouraged to wear face masks in public.

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family walking in a park

8 Psychologist-Backed Tips for Improving Communication with Kids

by ParentCo.

When you communicate well with your child, it leads to a strong relationship, greater cooperation, and feelings of worth. When communication is a struggle, it can lead to your child switching off, conflict, and feelings of worthlessness.These expert tips can help.

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kids in backseat of a car

6 Educational and Mess-Free Activities That Entertain Traveling Kids

by ParentCo.

While traveling long distances is not a part of every family's summer plans, for some families who live far away from grandparents and extended family, this is peak travel season. A useful, thrifty guide to activities and apps that help keep young kids entertained on long trips.

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