mother handing daughter a christmas gift

7 Ways to Teach Little Ones The True Spirit of the Holidays

by ParentCo.

Don’t let materialistic frenzy overpower the season’s wonder. Here are 7 tips to give kids a greater understanding about the true spirit of the holidays.

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Children playing games in school

Step Away From the Desk: Innovative Approaches to Education From Around the World

by Danielle E. Owen

What approaches to learning are working well around the world?

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little boy in wheat field

5 Ways To Think STEAM This Thanksgiving

by ParentCo.

Here are some simple ways to encourage curiosity and creativity with your family this Thanksgiving. 

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playing with chalk

8 Things to Say to Kids About Their Artwork Instead of "Good Job!"

by ParentCo.

"Dad, do you like my picture?" is a loaded question. Encourage your budding artist with these thoughtful answers and discussions.

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girl reading a book

The Best Age for Kids to Learn a Second Language

by ParentCo.

When should you start encouraging your child to start learning a foreign language? Is it as soon as they can talk, or should you hold off until they have mastered English?

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little girl with brown hair reading a book

Which Kids' Books Have More Moral Impact– Books With Humans or Animals?

by ParentCo.

Which kids' books have more moral impact– books with humans or animals? Recent studies provide conflicting takeaways.

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Drawing of a village in black and white

After "The Very Hungry Caterpillar": Six New Board Books That Babies Will Love

by ParentCo.

While the classics are thrilling, sometimes babies need something a little more than “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”

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Young boy playing chess, staring at pieces on board,close-up

Why Teaching Kids to Play Chess Is Worth the Time and Effort

by ParentCo.

The skills kids learn in chess extend far beyond the black-and-white checkerboard.

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series of CD's

Rad Interactive Books for Creative Kids

by ParentCo.

Forget what you know about books. These take the format to a whole new awesome level.

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young mom with kid in bed

To Build Your Child's Emotional Intelligence, Try These Phrases

by Parent Co

As a parent, you are your child’s first teacher—responsible for their introduction not only to STEAM subjects, but also for helping them develop emotional intelligence.

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How to see this year's Perseid meteor shower with your kids

by ParentCo.

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Mobile charger tied with hand

How Smartphone Addiction Is Affecting Teens' Brains

by ParentCo.

A recent study found that being addicted to smartphones creates a chemical imbalance in the brain linked to depression and anxiety in young people.

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Girl  holding tray with healthyfood at school canteen

6 Rewards Schools Could Use to Motivate Introverted Kids

by ParentCo.

My son’s school offered a special incentive to encourage students to use their online learning program during the holiday break.

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young girl sneakily feeding the dog at dinner table

The Upside of Lying

by ParentCo.

“Did you just feed the dog broccoli? The broccoli I told you to eat before you could have dessert?”

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Intergenerational Identity

The Importance of Offering Children an Intergenerational Identity

by ParentCo.

Children who have what is called an intergenerational identity feel more in control of their lives, according to research by Dr. Marshall Duke and Dr. Robyn Fivush from Emory University.

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Noodle Soup Kid made

Kid Made Recipe: Simple Noodle Soup

by ParentCo.

Delicious, wholesome, and we swear it’ll cure a winter cold. Ok, maybe not, but it is comfort food at it’s best. You need this warm and cozy recipe in your back pocket for winter.

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female elementary teacher teaching students about the human body

Could Mothers Have a Hand in Influencing Their Teens to Take STEM Courses?

by Angela Repke

According to recent findings a mother’s communication with her children can increase the likelihood of them taking math and science (MS) courses.

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Raspberry White Hot Chocolate Kid made

Kid Made Recipe: Raspberry White Hot Chocolate

by ParentCo.

Winter is in full effect! Switch up your apres-snow play game with this Raspberry White Hot Chocolate. You’ll never go back to the boxed mix again!

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Boy/ Girl

Research Confirms Gendered Toys Help Create Inequality

by ParentCo.

The findings support previous research that has highlighted the strong influence of gender labels such as "for boys" or "for girls."

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stressed female teenage student  studying in classroom

4 Parent Myths About College Admissions

by Laura Owens

But there’s a few general parent misperceptions swirling about that are worth correcting.

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Two girls sitting in a dining hall with elder people blur image

Does Your Home Feel Imperfect? Congratulations, You’ve Mastered an Ancient Japanese Aesthetic

by Pam Moore

You don’t have to hire a decorator or scour the internet for ideas, products, or advice to create a wabi-sabi infused home.

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little girl making dough for homemade cookies with her father

How to Rekindle Your Kid’s Love of Learning When Motivation Wanes

by ParentCo.

Many children lose their intrinsic love of learning once they start school. So, how do you rekindle your child’s love of learning?

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girl with with a basket and book in the forest

Seven Cost-Free Ways to Foster School Readiness

by ParentCo.

Here are seven ways to nourish childhood and, at the same time, help your child be ready for school.

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Little boy brushing his teeth

An Unexpected Threat of False Teeth

by Vicki Wilson

Around five or six, your teeth start falling out and everyone makes a fuss again.

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